May is a special “love” month for Mothers. During the month of May, flower shops spring into overtime, Hallmark cards are everywhere, street vendors are on most busy street corners, dollars we didn’t know we had seemed to appear for gift buying. During the month of May, especially on Mother’s Day, telephone lines are stretched […]
In his book, “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” Stephen Covey points out that we should “Seek first to understand – then to be understood.” I believe that to be a timeless truth, because one of our basic human needs is to understand and to be understood. Therefore, I submit the best way to […]
If you buy into and embrace the philosophy that, “The Time Is Now – The Person Is You,” here are seven essential strategies that you will need to apply in your life: Be Deliberate In Your Climb: Realize that a long life journey begins with one small step, which is taken towards the realization of […]
Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to circumstances. Your mind determines your attitude, you can respond positively or negatively. It’s how you react to the event, not the events themselves, that determine your attitude. As you continue to look to the future, and press forward in this new year […]
If you don’t learn from making your mistakes there’s no sense in making them. I believe when it comes right down to it, the secret of making mistakes and screwing up is an interesting concept. Years ago, I used to wonder why I had, what I considered to be, more than my share of bad […]
Have you ever heard someone say, “I am a self-made success?” We all have; however, the fact of the matter is simply this – there is no such thing as a self-made success. Sure, someone may have put in a lot of individual effort, but it just isn’t possible to become a success all by […]