Remembering My Mother on Mother’s Day

May 2, 2022

Willie Johnson - The Ambassador of Potentiality

May is a special “love” month for Mothers. During the month of May, flower shops spring into overtime, Hallmark cards are everywhere, street vendors are on most busy street corners, dollars we didn’t know we had seemed to appear for gift buying. During the month of May, especially on Mother’s Day, telephone lines are stretched to the max, and flowers and expensive chocolate candies are in over-abundant supply. The list goes on and on. Everyone it seems, identifies with a “Mother’s Love”; even more so when she is no longer with us.

My mother was everything to me. When she transitioned just 38 days prior to her 94th birthday, as you can imagine, I felt a great loss. You see, I am who I am today because of my mother’s unwavering love and the life lessons she taught me. (“Mom, Thank You for being my mother” ….)

A devout Christian and God loving person, my mother knew who her Father was and she spoke about being with her Father in heaven “all” the time. One of the many songs she repeatedly sang was “Thank You Sir”; for being her Shepherd, her Protector and her Saving Grace.

I could go on and on about my mother because she was truly a precious, God-Loving person. Instead, I close this tribute with this: “Mother I Love You, I miss You, I will always Cherish You in My Heart, and Mother, as you continue to watch over me, I Thank You.”

Your Loving Son – Willie Joe (Thunder) Johnson