Energy is lost when the fuel of working is not sparked by something dynamic such as enthusiasm. Enthusiasm makes your functon bettr. It relieves tensions. It establishes ecstasy and counteracts dangerous complicatons leading to heart attcks, stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure; which is just a sampling of the illnesses of our tmes. They are […]
L eaders are all around us, without realizing they play a part in our everyday lives. They come disguised in many different names and titles; manager, director, vice president, consultant, and the list goes on. The truth is simply this – the path towards leadership comes in the form of a pyramid. That’s because leadership […]
Energy is lost when the fuel of working is not sparked by something dynamic such as enthusiasm. Enthusiasm makes your function better. It relieves tensions. It establishes ecstasy and counteracts dangerous complications leading to heart attacks, stomach ulcers, and high blood pressure; which is just a sampling of the illnesses of our times. They are […]
When we look for it, we can see our own attitude. We can see it in the morning when we wake up, we can see it while we’re getting ready to go to work for ourselves or for others. We can see it when we are by ourselves or with others. We can also see […]
“In order to go from where you are to where you want to be – you have to grow from how you are to how you ought to be.” – Jonathan Sprinkles This above quote by Jonathan Sprinkles, immediately reminds me of three things I would like to share through this blog post: 1. We […]
The greater the challenge, the sweeter the victory! When a lot of opportunities and challenges are thrown our way, especially when all at once, tackling them with the right attitude will help tremendously. In fact, tackling them with an attitude of winning is an offensive stance that wards off the fiery darts aimed to defeat […]