Strategies for Moving From Success to Significance

January 10, 2017

If It Is “2” Be – It Is Up “2” Me

Due our constantly churning, and unpredictable world today, I believe it is more important than ever before, that we charter a course to move from success to significance and become a natural champion in life. In charting this course, I would suggest there are five things you must do:

1. Have A Clear Vision
2. Have A Solid Strategy
3. Pursue Practical Systems
4. Establish A Personal Board Of Directors
5. Commit Yourself To Consistent Execution

I believe that if you violate one of the five, your dreams somehow will be diluted or deleted. However, on the other hand, I believe that if you commit to these five things, you will not only set yourself up to become a natural champion in life, you will most definitely be able to move from Success to Significance more smoothly.

In one of his many motivational presentations – Nido Qubein, a noted Author, Professional Speaker, Entrepreneur, and the President of High Point University, so eloquently stated – “Success by any measure is secular; and Significance by any measure is spiritual.” He went on to surmise that it doesn’t matter how individuals define their own spirituality; what does matter is that those things that are spiritual, tend to be deeper, more meaningful, more touching, more lasting, and more impactful in our lives. How true his comments were then and now.

I have noticed for many years that when many people talk about success – they talk about the 3 – F’s of Achieving: Fans, Fame, and Fortune”. How empty such an existence. On the other hand – I have noticed that people who subscribe to significance, subscribe to this notion called Appreciating. The 3 – F’s of Appreciating: Faith, Family, and Friends. Need I say more?

I close this blog leaving you with this thought and question: When you have all 3 – F’s of Appreciating, (Faith – Family – Friends) what else, do you really need in your life?