The Time Is Now – The Person Is You

October 6, 2016

Many people deny themselves the pleasure of living life to the fullest because they follow limited visions. They dream modest dreams, so they compile modest achievements. The limiting factor is not their capacity to achieve but their willingness to believe in themselves. That’s deep, isn’t it? I repeat: The limiting factor is not their capacity to achieve but their willingness to believe in themselves!

It has been said, “A life well lived is one worth living.”

If you buy into and embrace the philosophy that “The Time Is Now – The Person Is You”, here are seven essential strategies that you will need to apply in your life:

  1. Be Deliberate In Your Climb: Realize that a long life journey begins with one small step, which is taken towards the realization of your every day goals.

  2. Sell You And Others On You: What is it that you have to offer to others that is a unique quality? Find out what that passion is and begin a program of shameless self-promotion.

  3. Be Decisive: Do you needlessly agonize over decisions. -“DON’T”! – Decisive individuals convey confidence in their decision making and problem solving. That is a treasured trait. Who want others to see them as an insecure person?

  4. Let Go Of The Past: The “past”, belongs in the past. That’s a good place to leave it.

  5. Take Responsibility For Your Future: Others will never have the same investment in your future than you do. Swim out in that ocean called life, and get your own ship.

  6. Be Persistent: Success seems to be largely a matter of hanging in there, after others has let go. When you get knocked down in life, (and you will), don’t stay down. Jump back up and try again.

  7. Think Positive: Always develop and maintain a positive mental attitude. As my friend Willie Jolley would say – “A setback, is just a setup, for a comeback”.

It’s time for your Break Out! Wouldn’t you agree? (Your answer: “YES”!!) I therefore challenge you to look toward the future, find your purpose, and live your life to the fullest; and remember – It’s Never Too Late To Live Up To Your Potential.

Purchase your copy of WillieJay’s book, “It’s Never Too Late To Live Up To Your Potential” from Amazon by clicking here: