It doesn’t matter what you drive – What matters is what drives You. We all know you can’t drive a car by simply starting it and jumping into the back seat, expecting it to take you where you would like to go. Yet, many of us do that with our lives. We have the car, […]
In my first published book, “It’s Never Too Late To Live Up To Your Potential”, I shared 11 stand alone insights for living successful, meaningful, and purposeful lives. This was my action step of letting people know that it doesn’t matter what stage of life they are going through – their value is unlimited, and […]
Everything that enters your mind has a tremendous effect on how you feel, think, and act. Anyone, including us positive people, can fall prey to negativity at anytime. Yes, we have all had that dreaded “bad hair” day. Negativity affects you and everyone around you. Therefore, when something is bothering you, you need to know […]
When you cultivate associations with people who have something of value to share they will have significant impact on you throughout your life – Willie Johnson Henry Ford, editor of VISIONS Newsletter once stated: “Never underestimate the power of associations”. That short but impactful statement is so very true. Just think – you will be […]
Empathy often makes you successful even when you have almost nothing else to offer. So, what is empathy? How does it work? Empathy is an unvoiced expression that passes between you and someone else. Empathy is appreciating a person’s problems for what they are and dealing with the person first. Their problems come second. Empathy […]
As you look to the future – realize that you have the power to create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness. Yes – you have the power to be, do, and have whatever you truly desire. In fact, I would submit that you are much more powerful than you could ever […]