Attitude – Attitude – Attitude

January 17, 2022

Your attitude is not determined by circumstances, but by how you respond to circumstances. Your mind determines your attitude, you can respond positively or negatively. It’s how you react to the event,
not the events themselves, that determine your attitude.

As you continue to look to the future, and press forward in this new year of 2022, I would like to challenge you to applaud your 2021 efforts and results; even the setbacks. [In the words of Willie Jolley “A setback is just a setup for a comeback.”]

Even though we are still dealing with the COVID pandemic, I also challenge you to set new goals for 2022 that will take you to an even higher pinnacle, as you continue to be a champion in life; while creating a larger vision for your life.

When it comes to setting goals, being a champion in life, and creating a larger vision for your life, I firmly believe the process starts with developing and maintaining a positive, mental attitude. Yes. you can do it, even though we have all been hard hit over the past couple years by the COVID pandemic. To that end, through this blog post, I share the following strategies that can help you to develop and maintain a grateful and positive attitude.

  • Learn how to motivate yourself: Self-motivation can work wonders. (i.e., positive affirmations, positive greetings, spiritual empowerment, positive self-talk, and humor)
  • Build and Develop Supportive Relationships: Nobody makes it alone in this world; nobody! You need supportive relationships, especially when it comes to getting through challenging times; such as the lingering COVID pandemic.
  • Leave a Lasting Legacy: The best thing you can do to build a healthy attitude is to get involved in something greater than yourself. Yes – Reach out and touch somebody and make a difference in the lives of your family, friends and community.

There is Greatness Within You – Your Best is Yet To Come!