The Power of A Positive and Winning Attitude

May 25, 2019

Life lesson learned from my Mother – Elizabeth L. Johnson

“Being a winner in life is not about your talent or smarts, it’s about how positive and cheerfully determined you are. You spirit of optimism will turn obstacles into opportunities, adversities into challenges, and fears into confidence.” – Willie Johnson

Your Positive and Winning Attitude Must Come From Within: Regardless of your past circumstances or failures, (I have certainly had my share), if you never ever give up on yourself and continue to strive for achievement, you will become a winner in life. In other words, your positive mental attitude will empower you to become the person of your dreams. Zig Ziglar once said, “A positive attitude won’t let you do everything, but it will let you do everything better than a negative will.” Now that was and is a power statement; and Zig was so right. You see, it’s true, a positive attitude will let you use your abilities, and in life, that’s all you really need. Believe in and never give up on “you”.

Success does not happen by accident!
You must have unshakable belief that you will be a winner in life!

Don’t Let Anyone Talk You Out Of Your Dreams! Most people will never experience the incredible rewards of reaching their full potential because someone has talked them out of it. How tragic. Get away from those small minded, negative people in your life; and don’t let that happen to you. I believe that God meant for all of us to have nothing but the best in life; so I challenge you to not let negative attitudes, (yours or others) cheat you out of what you so clearly deserve.

Your Destiny Is To Do Great Things! We were all born with an unlimited curiosity and an eagerness to try anything – the concept of “failure” is foreign. As we grew up and went about our daily living, we learned about boundaries and the sense of limitations through well-intentioned directives from parents, teachers, and many others. While we can’t change our past, we can change our approach to learning. Instead of focusing on the boundaries, we need to shift our focus to our unlimited potential and our ability to be a winner in life by developing and maintaining a positive and winning attitude. You see, a positive, confident, winning attitude is something we learn.

A Positive and Winning Mental Attitude Is The Key To Your Future! Consider the important things in your life: family, career, health, financial well-being, and relationships. Then ask yourself, “What are my goals in each of these areas? Next, being honest, take inventory of your current attitude. Is your attitude where it should be for you to achieve your goals while creating a larger vision for your life? *If you are going to have great goals, live up to your potential, create a larger vision for your life, and be a winner in life; you must develop and maintain a most positive and winning attitude… (To Be Continued…)