Billionaire Keys to Success

August 1, 2019

Focus on the finish line – Not the starting line

What is success? What I found out is that people get confused about success all the time. Why? Because they put their focus on some of everything not related to the Finish Line!

I submit to you that when it comes to success – It doesn’t matter where you start. What matters is where you finish! It’s sad, but I too must admit that I have not always been focused on the finish line. Yes – I’ve been there – Done that… Got a T-Shirt!

Speaking of success – two of the most important keys to success were related to me by the late great billionaire – Mr. J. B. Hunt, and I remember it as if it was yesterday.

It was on a Sunday afternoon that I was manning a career table for the company I worked for, J. B. Hunt Transport, Inc. As luck would have it, Mr. J.B. Hunt himself, came by the table and asked how things were going. He then did the unthinkable. He pulled up a seat and sat down and said, I hope we get a lot of kids that want to drive trucks.

After a few moments of business talk, I said J.B., would you give me a couple keys to your success? Notice, I only asked for a couple keys. I didn’t want to appear to be too greedy. He said – “SURE! – Mind Your Own Business!” I looked at him and said what? Can you run that by me again? He said, “SURE! First – Mind your own business!” “That’s all you are is mind. 1st the Inner – Then the Outer. 1st the mental – Then the Physical. 1st the Thought – Then the Thing.”  So, A First Key To Success Is to Mind Your Own Business.

Some may still be confused by J.B.’s comment, but I’m not. In his own way, I believe he simply said: Willie – you must take charge of your own life – and look for the stars even in your darkest moments. I now share this Key to Success with you: If you want success in life – take charge of your life – by Minding Your Own Business.

When it comes to your personal success, are you minding your own business? My answer to that question is just this: I have come a long way from 400-15th Ave in Yuma, Arizona. It is so hot there, even Wile E. Coyote, the Road Runner and desert lizards run for shade! I can remember not being in control of my life and having to work at picking cotton to earn money for school and clothes to wear. (Okay – so now you know I’m a baby-boomer.)

How did I know I was not in control – well, my backside felt the pain of not picking a certain number of pounds each day. And yes – I always had to make up for the lost pounds on the next day. That was a time that has long since passed. I finally woke up one day – Took Charge of My Life – and started Minding My Own Business. Yes, I have come a long way from 400-15th Ave in Yuma, Arizona.

The 2nd key to success given to me by J.B. Hunt was: In All That You Do – Seek Peace of Mind

What is Peace of Mind? I am glad you asked. Peace of Mind is the absence of all negative emotions: fear, anger, hatred, jealously, guilt, and greed. In the words of J.B. Hunt, “The extent that you have Peace of Mind will determine your abundance of inner wealth and will become one of the essential ingredients of your success in both your professional and personal life.”  Wow – that statement says it all. Please embrace it with gusto. You will be glad that you did.

There you have it, just a couple of impactful Keys to Success passed along to me by the late great billionaire, J.B. Hunt. (Note: Yes – J.B. did share more than two keys; however I’m curious – What would you have asked a billionaire if you had a one-on-one face-time with them?) And now I share them with you. Can you remember what they are?

Number 1: Mind Your Own Business

Number 2: In All That You Do – Seek Peace of Mind

I challenge you to embrace these two strategic keys to success. They are timeless! If you do, your life will change forever; and you will garner a great measure of success in both your professional life and personal life as well.

(Side Note: I know you’re wondering why I’m not sharing other keys and nuggets of information, in this blog/article, that was shared with me in my “by chance” one-on-one meeting with the late great billionaire, Mr. J.B. Hunt. Lol – In due time. In due time…)