Author Archives: alexis_admin

Let’s Have Real Dialogue and Real Action

As we look within, at the various situations going on in our country, including that [...]

You are invited : Destined for Greatness – June 13, 2020 Virtual Conference

Perhaps one of the most effective ways to enhance achievement lies in your ability to [...]

My Mother’s Pep Talk

It was the 30th of December, 2018, that my amazing Mother, after 93 years of life, [...]

There Will Always Be “HOPE” For Tomorrow

Myself, as well as others, understand that we as a nation, and as individuals, are [...]

Unlocking Your Potential

“What Are You Committed To?” The choices you make determine the quality of your life. [...]

Fly Like An Eagle

“Feel The Fear and Take Off Anyway!!” “Dare! And dare again! And go on daring…” – [...]