Analyze Your Associations!

July 28, 2017

When you cultivate associations with people who have something of value to share
they will have significant impact on you throughout your life
– Willie Johnson

Henry Ford, editor of VISIONS Newsletter once stated: “Never underestimate the power of associations”. That short but impactful statement is so very true. Just think – you will be the same person in five years with the exception of two things: the people you associate with and the books that you read.

Who are you cultivating associations with and why? Do your associations add value to your life? What are you feeding your mind?

From experience, I can tell you that this is statement true: “Your associations will assist you in your quest for success in life through “positive” communications, or drag you down in life through negative communications”. Never underestimate the power of associations…..

When it comes to associations, avoid the easy crowd and choose your friends and mentors with great care.

Develop relationships and have meaningful communication with people who have high expectations of themselves and high expectations of you. These are the kinds of people who will hold you accountable for your actions and decisions and keep you on tract. My Dad was that kind of person. For example – He would never let me, or my brothers and sisters, slack off when it came to doing chores; that is unless our mother had other plans for us. He wanted us to excel at everything we did; including domestic tasks. He held high expectations also of the people that worked for him. Oh wow – the memories…

As I stated at the beginning of this blog post – When you cultivate associations with people who have something of value to share – they will have a significant impact on you throughout your life. Even when they are not in your presence, the wisdom and knowledge they imparted to you can still have a significant impact on your life. That wisdom and knowledge could very well save you from a looming disaster. (Side note: Be motivated to share what you have learned with others who are ready to hear, ready to learn, ready to grow, and ready to change for the better.)

Getting back to associations – let me ask you – Who are you cultivating associations with and why? Give that some thought and then, if necessary, make the necessary changes in your associations. In the long run, you will be glad that you did. Analyze Your Associations!