It’s Time For A Breakout!

June 1, 2016

It’s Time For A Breakout!

By: Willie Johnson, The Ambassador of Potentiality

“It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life”

Dr. Willie Jolley

As I travel around speaking to different audiences about living up to their potential, what I notice often is the terrible harm people do to themselves by failing to recognize their innate winner’s potential. They focus on their failures and judge themselves accordingly; never allowing that champion within to emerge. In other words, they a listening more intently to a negative voice, and refusing to stop, take a deep breath, and embrace the positive winner’s voice that is within them. Wow!! Isn’t that sad?

I have learned that winning is a privilege; and believe that a person’s failure to recognize this and apply a positive winner’s attitude in their life can actually rob them of true happiness, success in life, and most importantly, progress toward their life goals. As an example – I have personally seen where negativity and self-pity have cost talented adults the ability to be more productive and valuable to their employers, which ultimately led to them not moving upward in their careers; and in some cases, being let go from their jobs. Again- Isn’t that sad?

Although many books and magazine articles have been written on the subject of negativity and how to overcome negative thinking, in my view, negativity and continues to be a major problem in our society; and that negative thinking heads the list of influencers that sabotage people’s success and happiness; due to the pre-occupation with their failures and with the undesirable circumstances in which they find themselves. A case in point – Due to negativity and negative thinking, the number of suicides in our society is staggering; how tragic! Individuals simply give up. They convince themselves they can’t get through their problems, that they can’t win, and that they don’t have the stuff of champions. This is the great lie they tell themselves behind their masks of negativity and self-pity… It’s time for a breakout from that negative thinking.

Been there – done that. I’ve fallen on my face many times; wrecked a couple of cars, been in trouble with the law, been in trouble with everyone’s friend -the IRS, and the list goes on. And yet today, in my own right, I am a natural champion in life. How? Because I woke up one day and in one sudden moment – I realized that it was time for a breakout from negativity and negative thinking. I finally heard that winner’s voice that had always been inside me say that as of that moment, enough was enough, and that I was no longer allowed to tolerate self-doubt, self-pity; or any thoughts that I was a loser. It was in that moment, that I experienced a breakout from negativity and stepped into the first day of the rest of my life; that of a natural champion in life; and that occurrence has lead me to write my first book entitled: “It’s Never Too Late To Live Up To Your Potential”. Can you see now, why I started this article/blog with a quote by Dr. Willie Jolley – “It Only Takes a Minute To Change Your Life”? That’s so real…..

There is much pain and confusion in our world today. For example – Talented and deserving individuals are being hammered by fate and circumstance. In all areas of our society, due to negative thinking, people are dismayed, confused and unhappy; especially with jobs they say they hate but can’t leave. This, I believe, is what happens when an individual is tuned into a negative voice versus a positive winner’s voice. The tragedy here is that they bought into the lie of that negative voice and is focused on what they can’t do rather than what they can do; and have little or no confidence or sense of self-worth. The “Good News” – “It only takes a minute to change” – and embrace an attitude that it’s time for a breakout from negative thinking and self-pity.

Is there an over-riding negative voice in your life? If yes – I challenge you to stop listening to that negative voice and start listening to that positive champion’s voice. A voice that has been within you all along; you just have to stop holding that voice back. It knows what’s best for you and what you were meant to do. It will focus you on fulfilling the dreams that give your life purpose. So, again, I challenge you to give that champions voice a chance to emerge and take charge of your life.

You can do it! Just remember – As long as you have breath – It’s Never Too Late to live up to your potential. Yes! It’s time for a breakout from negativity, negative thinking, and self-pity.

STOP!!right now and say this out loud: It’s Time For A Breakout! – And as of this moment, I promise me, and me only, that the rest of my life, will be the best of my life!