Consistently Move Toward Your Goals

November 1, 2018

“Your dreams and goals will come true, but you have to make them come true.”  Michael Jackson

  1. The 4th quarter of 2018 officially began on October 1st.   Many of us began looking at our 2018 goal accomplishments, goals not accomplished, and what we “want” to accomplish in 2019.  Let’s begin this critical accountability process:
  • Of your “realistic” goals set for 2018, which did you get accomplished? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Of your “realistic” goals set for 2018, which did not get accomplished and the major reason they were not accomplished? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • Were the goal(s) not accomplished in 2018, the same goal(s) that were not accomplished in 2017? Yes________       No___________


  • Of your “realistic” 2018 goals that were not accomplished, which ones are you carrying forward and placing onto your 2019 goals list and why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • How has your life changed for the better, due to the accomplishment of your 2018 “realistic” goals? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  1. If you want to be the best that you can be, and create a larger vision for your life, it will require your consistent commitment to your growth and development. And honestly, even if being your best you is not your goal and you just want to be “better”  than who you are being now, it is still going to require you making a consistent commitment .  If you only had to do things once to master them, we would all be masters at our craft and the journey would be over.  Rather, look at it as a journey and something that requires your consistent attention, commitment, and love every day.

The Question:  What will you do today and consistently in the days to come that will move you toward the accomplishment of the 2019 “realistic” goals that you set?  _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


“Your dreams and goals will come true, but you have to make them come true.”  – Michael Jackson

Remember:  Nothing Happens Until You Decide To Take Action!!

  • What inspired ACTION will you take today that will move you closer to your goals accomplishments? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


  • What purposeful CHANGE will you make in your life today? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________