Unrelenting Drive

December 8, 2021

My experience up to this point in my lifetime has shown that people from all walks of life, and from all different cultures, lifestyles, and ages have become exceptionally successful. So, what’s the formula?
I have wondered:

  • Is it a gene?
  • Is it the lifestyle we grew up with?
  • Was there a pivotal point in our childhood, or for that matter, our adulthood? Were the planets lined up at the time of our birth?

It is seemingly impossible to say. However, I can say that it takes pursuing and catching a dream. A dream you would never casually let go or perhaps a dream you can’t let go. In short – have an Unrelenting Drive.

As we move through these challenging times, I am constantly reminded that many individuals are still accomplishing extraordinary success through their – Unrelenting Drive. Oh sure, we have all suffered setbacks but in the words of my friend Willie Jolley, a setback is just a setup for a comeback. Yes, it’s a fact – living, breathing, bleeding, and crying, that which we do, will take us to laudable places in both our personal life and professional life.

It is commonly believed that highly successful people are of a different culture. One which the rest of the world refers to as “over-achievers.” My position is simply this: I believe that each of us can be over-achievers – that each of us can keep our dream alive through an unrelenting drive to be the best that we can be.

I have said it before and will continue saying it – I firmly believe that each of us have greatness within us. Each of us have our own “Keeping the Dream Alive” and “Make it Big” success story – fueled by a raging fire within. This fire can rarely be extinguished by anything, except self-doubt. It burns boldly inside, even during the darkest of times. It is a torch of hope that guides and protects us on our journey into the unknown.

Let’s Keep our Dream Alive – with “Unrelenting Drive!”