My Mother’s Pep Talk

May 5, 2021

It was the 30th of December, 2018, that my amazing Mother, after 93 years of life, decided to leave for her heavenly home. And, while my amazing Mother may have left me, she didn’t leave me without.

As an opportunity to honor my mother on this Mother’s Day of 2021, I want to share with you 2 Life Lessons that she shared with me, in the hope that they will bless your life, especially in the wake of the current pandemic.

(The back story):  At the age of 18, as I was getting ready to head off to Arizona Western College, my amazing Mother pulled me aside to give me one of her pep talks. It turned out to be a pep talk that literally changed my life. Although I gleamed several life lessons from my Mother’s pep talk, in this blog post I want to share 2 of those life lessons with you.

Life Lesson – 1: Don’t just have a mood – have a positive attitude!

Yes, during my Mother’s pep talk, she said me to: “Always try to keep a smile on your face, and see the good things in life.” In other words she was telling me: Don’t just have a mood – have a positive attitude.

You must be driven to look on he bright side of things – see the good in people – read positive quotes – write positive affirmations daily, and say positive things to yourself. And most importantly, always believe in yourself, and always believe that you are someone special. That’s what having a positive attitude is all about. Don’t just have a mood – have a positive attitude.

Life Lesson – 2: Stay away from the bad crowds

In other words, my Mother was telling me to stay away from itty bitty, small-minded, negative people. Negative people will kill your spirit. They can’t see the big picture because they are always in the wrong frame of mind.

Negative people – you have to get away from them in a flash, so that you can become the empowered exposures you were destined to be. And this is my message to you – stay away from those itty bitty, small-minded, negative people; as they will kill your spirit. They can’t see your big picture because they are in the wrong frame of mind.

At the end of my Mother’s pep talk, she then hugged me and whispered into my ear, take God wherever you go. Stay away from those bad crowds, and try to keep a smile on your face and see the good things in life; because God won’t have it any other way…

I only have one question: What are you going to do with the pep talk I have just given to you?