Manifest Your Greatness

March 9, 2017

As you look to the future – realize that you have the power to create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness. Yes – you have the power to be, do, and have whatever you truly desire. In fact, I would submit that you are much more powerful than you could ever imagine; and if you are not manifesting your greatness, it is probably because you do not fully understand the meaning of power.

P.O.W.E.R. is an acronym that stands for Purpose, Opportunity, Work, Enthusiasm, and Responsibility. Let’s take a look at this P.O.W.E.R. acronym.

Purpose: To create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness, you must discover your life’s purpose? You didn’t just show-up. You have a mission to complete. I have always maintained that we are put here for a purpose, and if we are not fulfilling that purpose, shame on us. Therefore, we must discover our life purpose and go after that with all the zeal and gusto we can muster. Remember: “If it is to be – It is up to me”.

Opportunity: To create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness, you must be aware that you have the power to create more opportunities than you will ever find. Yes, if you are creative enough, and disciplined enough, there are no limits to the number of opportunities you can create. In the words of the English Philosopher, Francis Bacon, “A wise man will make more opportunities that he finds.” That is to say that the power to create a larger vision and to manifest your greatness lies within you.

Work: To create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness – Work is a definite necessity. You might think it is to earn a living, however; I would suggest that it is only a small part of why you work. When it comes right down to it, work is the vehicle that applies the pressure that demands the release of your potential. Therefore, the secret to fulfillment, satisfaction, joy, and success in life, is the release of your potential to accomplish your purpose and manifest your greatness.

Enthusiasm: To create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness, you must harness the power of enthusiasm. You will not focus long enough to discover your life’s purpose, to create more opportunities for yourself, or work diligently to release your potential to accomplish your purpose or to manifest your greatness. A couple of quotes – (1) “Enthusiasm releases the drive to carry you over obstacles and adds significance to all you do.” Norman Vincent Peale (2) “What this power (enthusiasm) is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists, and it becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know exactly what you want, and are fully determined not to quit until you get it”. Alexander Graham Bell.

Responsibility: To create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness, you must take responsibility for the things that happen in your life. Therefore, my question to you is simply this: Have you matured to the point where you accept total responsibility for your life; or are you still making excuses and placing blame? Responsibility means that you have the ability to choose your responses in life; and it is the ability to choose your response that gives you the power to create a larger vision and manifest your greatness. The person who has accepted total responsibility for their future says, no matter what happens I accept total responsibility for my life. Remember: “If it is to be – It is up to me.”

I challenge you to create a larger vision for your life and manifest your greatness throughout the year. How? by pursuing your purpose, by creating your own opportunities, by working to release your potential, by being enthusiastic about your life and the possibilities, and by accepting total responsibility for the things that happen in your life.

Do these things and you will have all the P.O.W.E.R. you need to create a larger vision for your life and to manifest your greatness.