Lighten Up and Count Your Blessings

September 6, 2022

Last night when I got into bed, my heart was troubled with so many worries. As I lay there trying to think positively and to make sense of everything, two thoughts came into my mind.

First: “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34 Second: The song “Count Your Blessings”, where the composer Irving Berlin tells us: “If you’re worried and you can’t sleep, just count your blessings instead of sheep and you’ll fall asleep counting your blessings.”

Through it all, I can honestly say that I woke up this morning counting my blessings, and saying to myself, it’s a great day to be alive. How about you? Did you wake up counting your blessings? If not, I challenge you to just try it; and Count Your Blessings!

Many of us have a tendency to moan and groan about the world events going on around us and what we don’t have, when in fact, we should be enjoying the pleasures of life and what we do have. It is not funny but just think, it’s even easier to be negative when someone else is helping us moan and groan. Word to the wise: Don’t let someone else’s “outside” ruin your “inside. (It’s all about the Attitude!) Be Positive and Count Your Blessings!

Let me close this blog by saying – While you’re counting your blessings, go out and Bless Others! If you do that, I believe you will have a wonderful and inspiring day! Yes, if you just go out and try to help others, give them compliments and make them laugh, it will make you feel better. Don’t keep kindness, love, and caring to yourself. Life is too short for that…

Lighten Up, Count Your Blessings and go out and bless as many others as you can!