Be A Difference Maker

October 5, 2021

Although we are going through challenging times in our world today and COVID has dampened many of our spirits, I still want to challenge You to do something that will change your life forever. I want You to find a mirror right now and take a long hard look at the person starring back at You. There is greatness in that person. Yes, I mean there is greatness in You; and You are the difference maker in your life; embrace it!

There Is Greatness Within You!

The fact is simply this: You came into this world with greatness and you carry it within you wherever you go. I challenge you to embrace and be proud of that fact. If you don’t recognize the greatness within you, you will certainly start looking for something inferior to carry within you. So, as you begin and or continue to embrace the greatness within you – “Never” let anyone tell You what You can’t do or let COVID and the things going on in our world today stop you from reaching out to your dreams and creating a larger vision for your life. There is nothing that is big enough to stop you if you don’t want to be stopped.

You Are the Difference!

  • Fact: The difference between making positive or negative choices in your life begins with You.
  • Fact: The difference between making things happen and or waiting for things to happen in your life begins with you.
  • Fact: It can be both amazing and rewarding when you initiate taking charge and ownership of your life, especially in areas regarding what you desire to experience. When your possibilities are constantly in your thoughts; when your hopes and aspirations are constant reminders of what you desire to experience; you must accept the fact that the difference begins with you!

The Difference Begins with You!

Based on the three facts listed above, I challenge you to continually move forward in life, and give yourself the best possible opportunity to be the difference between doing and waiting. Productive and successful individuals have three major qualities in common.

 The first quality is that all these individuals are proactive versus being reactive; meaning they identify and put into motion the appropriate attitudes, emotions, and behaviors that will move them towards what they want to experience.

The second thing these individuals have in common is that they are productive and action-oriented. While intentionally moving forward, they are active participants in initiating change and not sitting back observing what is happening.

The third quality these individuals have in common is that they are results-driven. They are fully aware that there is a major difference between doing something and doing something that brings about the right results.

There is GREATNESS within you! – Be the DIFFERENCE maker!