Roadway to Success

September 17, 2015

How could you possibly succeed in life if you have no idea as to what you want out of or in life? How can you enjoy your life’s journey, if you don’t know where you’re headed? To what extent have you identified exactly what you what? Yes, going through life without knowing what you want, is like going to sea without knowing where you’re headed. Therefore, it is my belief that our conquest should be to live our lives to the fullest, and achieve a victorious life and uncommon success along the way.

Will the journey be easy? No! Is my stated conquest possible? Yes! You just have to “move out of your own way”, rediscover your strengths, and patiently cultivate the fruits within you that empower success and personal growth. Let me share a personal story with you…

While I was growing up, in Yuma, Arizona; receiving loving persuasions on my “bottonside” from my mother’s “Board of Education, (Lol – at least that’s what it was called) I learned that to live your life to the fullest, you must begin by understanding the world around you, and then be willing to change it for the better. I also learned that in order to achieve uncommon success and a victorious life, we must think positively and effectively while thinking of the great possibilities for our life – then give it our very best day-to-day effort to be productive.

Right about now, you are probably asking, “Willie, all of this sounds feasible but what are some life principles that I can study and sink my teeth into?” Well, I’m glad you asked. Here are three pearls of wisdom (principles) that will help you as you travel along your journey.

1. Confront Fear, Anger, Greed, and Jealousy: None of these add an ounce of self-fulfillment to life! Do not live in fear. In my view, “FEAR” is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real! Do not live in anger, which would be self-destructing. Do not live a life of greed, believing it is all about self; that would be denying you any hope for a full, victorious, and successful life. Jealousy – oh such a destructive force; never let this force be a controlling factor in your life.

2. Love contentment but do not let it end your journey: From my sister JoAnn, I learned that true joy in life comes from a productive blend of contentment, and yes, dis-contentment; especially when it comes to focusing on ways to help others find success and happiness. From my mother, Elizabeth, I learned that what you consider most important in life – determines who you’ve chosen to be for the major part of you life’s journey. These pearls of wisdom can serve you well, as you travel “the road” – The Road to Success and Happiness.

3. Let your productive thinking show: To others you are what you appear to be. Therefore, I challenge you to make every day a great day. Laugh more! Smile more! Love more! – and allow yourself the opportunity to do what it is that you need to do.

Enjoy your life journey. Think of yourself as the confident individual you really want to be. Throw out your chest – Take a new lease on life – Forget about what has happened. The future is as bright as you want it to be. Smile with life and life will smile with you.

May you be blessed with much joy and happiness as you travel along your Road to Success, Happiness and Personal Growth.