Lead and Make a Difference

September 17, 2015

As you look toward the future – I challenge you to do something that will change your life forever. I challenge you to find a mirror and take a long, deliberate look at “you”.

There is greatness in that person. Yes, there is greatness within you. Therefore; I challenge you to be a leader and make a difference in this world and in the life of others.

The challenge of leadership: Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want… because they want to do it. Leadership is:

  • Easy when you develop a passion from within to lead and make a difference.
  • Easy when your desire to make a difference becomes so strong that it inspires others to embrace your dreams as if they were their own.
  • Easy when you have a system and plan to achieve it.
  • Easier when you have a coach and mentor to help you along the way.

Mastering the following keys, will indeed assist you in being an effective leader; destined to make a difference in this world, and in the life of others.

The First Key: High Character and Influence – the true meaning of leadership.
In the words of Retired General Collin Powel “You achieve excellence as a leader, when people will follow you everywhere; even if it’s only out of curiosity”.
Influence is who you are and how you as an individual impact others. Influence magnifies your leadership abilities, improves your people skills, affects your relationships and helps you sell yourself as an effective leader. The very essence of influence is getting people to commit and buy into your vision. When it comes to influence, people will not follow someone they do not trust and whose character they believe is flawed. Therefore, to increase your influence, you must, at all cost, be a leader of high character and integrity.

The Second Key: Self Discipline – paying the price for what you want.
Someone once said – “foolish people want to conquer the world, wise people first make it a point to conquer themselves.” A true leader can never lead or take others further than they have gone themselves. Therefore, the first person you must lead is you. Develop discipline! That is the ability that will make you do the things you must do when they need to be done.

The Third Key: Respect and Value Others.
In order to be an effective leader and to make a difference in this world and in the life of others, you must appreciate, respect, and value the diversity of others. Look for talents and uniqueness in others, then inspire and encourage them to realize their fullest potential.
Leadership starts from within. I believe, upon mastering these keys to effective leadership, and others, success will be yours; and there will be nothing holding you back from making a difference in the world and in the life of others.

Be a Leader and Make a Difference!

Willie Johnson – Performance Improvement & Training Consultant