WillieJay’s 2019 “Pre-Holiday” Message

November 4, 2019

Wow – The Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday season is upon us! Yes – November and December, the last two months of FY 2019.

At this time of the year, many people will begin to plan their Thanksgiving travel and Thanksgiving Dinner with all the trimmings; however, many more people, with excitement, will be looking for the arrival of “Santa”, who arrives at the end of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Why the excitement? That signals the Black Friday shopping period and the all out marketing by stores to get your hard earned dollars, “plus”, dollars that you have not earned yet.

Many time articles are written after the fact; however, in this case, I thought I would take this opportunity, at the beginning of November to share a “Pre-Holiday” message with you.

As you move into this festive time of the year, please remember these things:

This Is A Time To Help Others

  • As you celebrate with family and friends this year, I pray that you will take the time this season to reach down to help someone, to reach out to support someone, to reach up to grasp the ideas and ideals that have brought you this far, and to look up to even greater expectations for the future. Remember – whatever doubts and fears you may have, or whatever you feel you may lack, somebody somewhere wants to be just like you!

This Is A Time For Giving

  • Tis the season for being thankful and for giving. And that doesn’t necessarily mean running a conveyor belt of gifts from the mall into the hands of the needy or the greedy. Certainly there is a time and place for material things, particularly if the potential recipients are hungry or homeless. Many people however, could use things that cost little to nothing – a boost of spirit, a visit, a listening ear, or even a kind word. Sometimes they wouldn’t need a kind word if we would just refrain from the bad things we are saying about them. {Of course, I’m not referring to anyone reading this article; it’s those other people!}

This Is A Time To Think “SAFETY”

In the name of safety – remember that anywhere there is a Santa, the Grinch is probably close by, ready to rob, steal, deceive, and turn your holiday season into something very unhappy. Here are several things that you could do to keep the Grinch at bay:

  • As you do your holiday shopping, pay attention to who may be watching you.
  • In the name of safety, check out www.scambusters.org to help protect what’s yours.
  • When in doubt, lean toward common sense.
  • As you travel, do so safely.
  • If you must go to that mall with the dimly light parking lot – take a friend.
  • “Stay Off” cell-phones and “focus”, as you walk to and from your vehicles when shopping, especially in dimly lit parking lots. {Trust me – nothing is that important….}

This Is A Time To Be Money Smart

  • AVOID the holiday “Debt Trap”. Be savvy – Don’t get caught up in the hype – Don’t blow your budget purchasing sentiments. Better yet – don’t blow “dollars” that you have not made yet. {Note: Unfortunately – I have seen people get laid off on December 24th and December 26th, and that is simply not easy to take, regardless of the amount of money you were making.}
  • Don’t get sucked into that last minute internet deal or unsolicited telephone call that is too good to be true. {It probably isn’t.}
  • Exercise reason, restraint, and respect during this holiday season.

There you have it, WillieJay’s 2019 “Pre-Holiday” Message. Remember – “Be Safe” in all that you do between now and the end of this year. Also remember: There is “greatness” within you; You are important, you are special, and you are loved.

During this period, please celebrate what you will, and be happy for those who are celebrating the rest, including life itself!

Authors Note:

I would love to hear from you during this holiday season.